Jeep Avenger 2023: See the details of the electric SUV

Jeep Avenger 2023: Jeep Avenger 2023: Jeep lifts the veil on the Jeep Avenger datasheet

Which takes exactly that of the other electric models of the moment in Stellantis. See the details of the electric SUV

In the program: 54 kWh of battery and a 156 hp front engine.

If Renault made the transition to 800V with its partner Valeo by 2027, at Stellantis we are betting on 400V electric groups.

The very recent development of the motor/battery/inverter set, which has been widely democratized among the group's brands, is an illustration of this.

The first 136 hp electric motor gave way to a 156 hp and 260 Nm block associated with a battery that gains some precious kilowatt-hours.

It is precisely this electromechanical set that we find under the hood of the Jeep Avenger, the first electric car of the famous American brand.