Lamborghini Urus S: the right compromise

After launching the Performance version of its Urus, Lamborghini has just presented a new version: the Urus S. more luxurious than the first

Introduced a few weeks ago, the Urus Performante is the sporty version of the SUV

It has a V8 engine Lamborghini has just lifted the veil on the Urus S that shares the same engine but whose philosophy is different.

Performance lags slightly behind with 0-100 km/h accelerated in 3.5 seconds, instead of 3.3 seconds with the Performante.

In terms of style, therefore, Lamborghini wanted to differentiate the Urus S from the Performante with subtle details to be more elegant.

The finishes differ and the lines are a little smoother, but the difference is very small.

It's more on the equipment side that the Urus S excels with an air suspension that offers 7 different modes