New 2023 Chevrolet Caravan may be launched

Finally the New Chevrolet Caravan 2023 had the projection made by an amazing designer!

So we already know that in the 1970s there weren't many varieties of more familiar cars, bigger cars, for more people.

With this situation, Chevrolet solved this problem by launching the iconic Caravan, which was a station wagon version of the famous Chevrolet Opala.

Due to its very reliable mechanics, Chevrolet could not do otherwise with the Caravan.

Caravan's great success was the six-cylinder 250S engine. Generating 171 hp of power, with sports control and mechanical tappets.

The artist who created this new design used a lot of the lines of modern cars, but also kept some parts of the old model.

At that time Chevrolet made a version of the Caravan SS, it was the most beloved model of the car. It had high beams, wider wheels and the famous stripes on the hood.

We can say that this projection was well done, and left the car very modern, but remembering the old car.