Renault Austral: What to consider after testing the new SUV

After good first impressions on the aesthetics, the Renault Austral still had to convince us on the road.

So we tested his steering wheel for two days and 600 km for a detailed first meeting.

That's what the Renault Austral needed to do after a successful entry into the family SUV scene.

To regain control of this very important segment in sales, a bet was first made on an ultramodern interior.

Perhaps this is where he had to make the most progress, even if it meant getting a new costume that was less spectacular than expected.

Mission accomplished, because the Austral impresses from the first moment on board, with ultra-modern equipment and, the icing on the cake, very intuitive.

Add promising modularity, with a 16cm sliding seat, and the Renault SUV is, on paper, armed to take on its rivals.