BMW Z4 2022: Restyled but still true to its 6-cylinder!

Among the latest 2-seater convertibles on the market, the BMW Z4 is holding out.

Just passed the restyling box. Check it out below.

Admittedly, roadsters are rarely present on the automotive scene, but the German manufacturer would no doubt have liked to sell just over 235 of them in 2021.

Still, this third generation has gained 55,000 customers worldwide and that doesn't cut short of traditional mid-career restyling.

As usual with the Bavarian, the differences are minimal. They mainly concern the shields, the grids and the lights.

In the cabin, the Z4 2022 it doesn't follow the trend of recent BMWs, which are moving towards all-touch.

Under the big hood of the Z4, no change, but a disappearance, that of the 258 hp mid-range 30i version